How do we handle referrals?
Step 1: complete/sign Referral Fee AgreementC.A.R. form RFA (fully executed) Step 2: Add client in FUB and then on the left side (with all the links) there will be one flabeled Referral Lease Submission complete and upload the fully executed RFA form. If the link isn’t there or unable to upload the RFA then please send it to (One of […]
Where can I find Real’s W-9?
Pinned to the #tcdepartment channel
Who should I reach out to for Real Workplace related questions?
You can reach out to Real support at
How can I combine several PDF files into one PDF?
You can go to and combine them there or you can upload them into Zipforms and then download them into one PDF.
Where can I find login information for Altos report?
You can find it in in agent links, but here it is: Altos Report LinkUsername: wisdom428re@gmail.comPassword: Ticor2022(**DO NOT change any information once logged in**)